- Virtual Desktops
In Windows 8 start screen has dominated the desktop but in Windows 10, desktop is back. Virtual desktops let you use as many desktops as you want. you can easily create new desktops or switch between existing ones. Now you can spread out your apps, and each one can be on a different desktop.
- Virtual Desktops
- Cortana Your Personal Digital Assistant
Windows 10 provides a powerful feature "Cortana" for Ease of access. Windows 10 enables you to issue commands to your computer using Cortana. It can be manually activated when needed, or it will cleverly listen for the wake-up call “Hey, Cortana!” You can then ask it for information about pretty much anything, or ask for actions to be carried out.
Cortana can make appointments and place them in your calendar using voice commands, and it can even move an appointment to a different time altogether. It can remind you of events taking place so you don’t forget, and alarms can be set by stating when you want to be reminded or the alarm to be triggered. Notes can be created by telling Cortana to take a note. You can even ask what music is playing in the background, or ask Cortana to play specific music.
- Start Menu is Back
In Windows 8,Start menu was replaced by Start Screen. Windows 10 has brought back Start Menu with new features. The screen that welcomes you when the computer is switched on is the desktop, and in the corner of the screen is the Start menu. This time its much better with great functionalities. Its much different than that Windows XP, Vista and 7 users had. If you have used an old version of Windows you will find familiar features, like the ‘All apps’ menu and recently used applications. If you have just switched from Windows 8 then the tiles will be familiar.
The Start menu has something for everyone and is customizable. For example, you can expand it and fill it with tiles for your favourite apps, or you can shrink it and remove tiles, leaving the menu. Most users will find a blend of the two is the best option, with the menus for occasionally used applications and a collection of tiles for their favourite apps.
- New Powerful Browser "Microsoft Edge"
Microsoft Edge is a brand new web browser that is exclusive to Windows 10 and it has some exciting features. For example, it enables you to highlight text on a page and use Cortana to find further information. It enables you to mark up web pages by drawing on them, perhaps to highlight parts and then to share them with friends. Pages can be added to a reading list and then read later. It’s great!